9,000 descendants of jesus list

A list of 9000 living descendants of Jesus Christ! Institutions of higher education benefited from slave labor those that exist today, including St. Louis University, Georgetown University and Spring Hill College, as well as others that have since closed their doors. An press release by a a secret religious organization has stirred a significant uproar over the Christian world, By claiming torecognize 8978 living descendants of Jesus Christ. If Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, a controversial belief which was of his own ignoble extraction, burned all the genealogical records, In one of these, translator Moses of Ingila explained the story "as an allegory of Christ's marriage to the soul". This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, Topics of Sacred, Spiritual, and/or Religious Nature, http://native-pride.net/2016/01/09/secr -of-jesus/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsrpJThxfuQ. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. time he issued a command, and put a stop to the persecution against the flesh, whether with the desire of boasting or simply wishing to state While many theorists support Brown's claim that Jesus's bloodline lives on today, they dispute the assumption that their is a singular, supreme descendant (the film depicts a singular descendant in the character of Sophie Neveu). Who are the members of the royal bloodline of Jesus? All Rights Reserved. However, many authors have dismissed Brown's story as a work of fiction. Some such claims have suggested that Jesus survived the crucifixion and went to another location such as France, India or Japan. Alexander is a descendant of Jack and Sally Queen, who were a part of that second group that relocated to St. Louis. some land, consisting of thirty-nine plethra only, out of which they had The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. [63] Prominent among the latter are those who expect a direct descendant of Jesus will eventually emerge as a great man and become a messiah, a Great Monarch who rules a Holy European Empire, during an event which they will interpret as a mystical second coming of Christ. Photo via Jesuit Archives & Research Center. [3] Though working with the same claimed relationship between Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Saint Sarah that would occupy a central role in many of the published bloodline scenarios, Starbird considered any question of descent from Sarah to be irrelevant to her thesis,[4] though she accepted that it existed. [45] His 2000 sequel Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus is unique in claiming that not only can the Jesus bloodline truly be traced back to Adam and Eve but that the first man and woman were primate-alien hybrids created by the Anunnaki of his ancient astronaut theory. Being then asked concerning Christ and His kingdom, what was its She was later sent to St. Louis College, which would later become todays St. Louis University. I want a lot of truth to be told, not just at the university but for the university in particular, take the names down of the enslavers and put the names up of the enslaved and tell the story, she said. [48] Some critics point out the informant's account of his family history seems to be based on the controversial work of Barbara Thiering. Bursting through that brick wall filled in a lot of gaps for Rashonda Alexanders family. The countries hosting the largest numbers of alleged descendants are the United States with 891, France with 583, the Palestinian territories with 518 and Germany with 429. E-mail nebo telefon: Heslo: Zapomnli jste pstup k tu? . I kept hitting a brick wall with my great-great-grandfather, she said. [64], The eclectic spiritual views of these adherents are influenced by the writings of iconoclastic authors from a wide range of perspectives. They also testified before Roman emperors. The work so captured the public imagination that the Catholic Church felt compelled to warn its congregates against accepting its pseudo-historical background as fact, which did not stop it from becoming the highest-selling novel in American history, with tens of millions of copies sold worldwide. Even the Bible makes mention of Jesus's blood relatives. Im going to say their names, Im going to tell their stories, Dr. Katrina Thompson Moore said. We have several initiatives that were going to ask people to support us in and bring this history to the public for generations to come, she said. The New Testament includes two genealogies of Jesus of Nazarethone in Matthew 1:1-17 and another in Luke 3:23-38. However, according to Dr. Kelly Schmidt, postdoctoral research associate at Washington University and primary researcher on this project, the number of people the Jesuits enslaved in St. Louis over time was at least 70. traditional in Jesus' family but no one was ever named after him. Also, a persons descendants eventually start having children with each other. She earned what would today be tens of thousands of dollars to buy her family out of slavery and not only that, but she lived until 1900 and her son Charles, the youngest one, became a fairly prominent politician here in St. Louis, Harrison said. 0 . "The Desposyni demanded that Sylvester, who now had Roman [51] Still, Brown relied so heavily on Holy Blood that two of its authors, Baigent and Leigh, sued the book's publisher, Random House, over what they considered to be plagiarism. She could feel the presence of her ancestors, she said. Of course, no one is average. These were the sons of Esau's wife Basemath. They concluded that the historical Mary Magdalene was not a repentant prostitute but a prominent disciple of Jesus and a leader in the early Christian movement. He is regarded by most Christians as the Incarnation of God. [48] The evidence on which the informant based his claim to be a Rex Deus scion, descended from Hugues de Payens, was said to be lost and therefore cannot be independently verified, because 'Michael' claimed that it was kept in his late father's bureau, which was sold by his brother unaware of its contents. Exo 6:25. There is a long history of Jesuits around the world owning slaves, according to Fr. June 3, 2006 -- -- This month's Who's Counting briefly examines three very different stories in the news. Matthew's genealogy has Joseph descended from King David through King Solomon, and from thence to a man named Jacob. The Divine Order of the Priory of Sion is requesting the help of every single true believers in protecting the remaining descendants of Jesus Christ from the Vatican. Thiering based her historical conclusions on her application of the so-called Pesher technique to the New Testament. Secret Society Releases list of Descendants of Jesus, Man Arrested For Breaking Into Homes To Molest Owners Pets, Woman Claims She is Pregnant With Satans Baby. In Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus, published in 2000, Marylin Hopkins, Graham Simmans and Tim Wallace-Murphy developed a similar scenario based on 1994 testimony by the pseudonymous "Michael Monkton",[47] that a Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline was part of a shadow dynasty descended from twenty-four high priests of the Temple in Jerusalem known as Rex Deus the "Kings of God". Manyreporters have expressed their doubts about the legitimacy and the veracity of the document, but someexpertsin religious organizationsconsider that the document is to be taken very seriously. interview was not, as far as we know, recorded, but the issues were very I want to honor and commemorate my ancestors for the forced labor that helped to build and sustain these institutions, I want them to be recognized., For that to happen, she says, there would need to be first commemoration and honor, then education and then third, repairing the damage done to my bloodline, to my family to help close the racial wealth gap.. In real genealogies, a persons descendants either peter out within a few generations or begin to grow exponentially. Verse one is the first of ten appearances of the phrase . The Gnostic Gospel of Philip tells that Jesus "kissed her often" and refers to Mary as his "companion". Vytvori nov et. Tools. Prihlsi sa. nebo. Jesus survived the marriage and fathered Mary Magdalene. Matthew 1117 describes the lineage of Jesus over 42 generations. Parlia is an encyclopedia of opinion. Joseph, John, James, Joses, Simeon, Matthias, and so on. [43] Starbird also viewed Mary Magdalene as identical with Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus. So it is by their own documentation in the New Testament that it claimed Mary Magdalene a relative with intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ of mazarin other than the mother or the sister who better would know if it's bent knowledge of Jesus a wife end of statement. Gabrielle Hays is a Communities Correspondent for the PBS NewsHour out of St. Louis. Proudie, originally from St. Louis, moved to Maryland later in life, not knowing she was moving to the state from which her ancestors were forcibly driven nearly two centuries ago. In these, Dan Brown incorporated many of the earlier bloodline themes as the background underlying his work of conspiracy fiction. 8. Its an oddly appealing idea. In the United States, Jesuits went on to own slaves in Missouri, Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Kansas, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Maryland until slavery was ruled unconstitutional in 1865, according to their own records. Holy Blood, Holy Grail suggests that the Merovingian kings were the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and that their descendants founded the Priory of Sion. Did you like this post? desposynos as a patriarch, and each of them carried one of the names In addition to Jesus's mother, the Virgin Mary, there was Mary's cousin Elizabeth and her son who would grow up to be John the Baptist. Eight people shot at Martin Luther King Day event in Florida, How it unfolded: Nepal's plane crash tragedy that claimed 72 lives, Motorists slowly drive down snowy hill in treacherous conditions. If a person has four or five grandchildren, that person will almost certainly be an ancestor of the entire world population two or three millenniums from now. Mary Ann Beavis would point out that unlike others in the genre, Starbird actively courted scholarly engagement over her ideas, and that "[a]lthough her methods, arguments and conclusions do not always stand up to scholarly scrutiny, some of her exegetical insights merit attention . As indicated by the report, the bloodline of the Christ appears to have spread over the whole planet over the last 2000 years.The individuals named on the list are spread accross over 47 different countries, and most of them had no clue that they were descendants of Jesus. Together we are mapping the world's opinions, to help us better 9000 descendants of jesus "9000" descendants of jesus list are there any living descendants of jesus jesus and mary magdalene family tree mary magdalene bloodline More results. Saviour. Facebook. In Ebionite belief, the desposyni included his mother Mary, his father What the Bible does contain are quotes speaking to Christ's lack of family; for example, Hebrew 7:3 states that Christ is a person without a geneology, showing that he is a true Son of God. Historian Ken Mondschein ridiculed the notion that the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene could have been preserved: Infant mortality in pre-modern times was ridiculously high, and you'd only need one childhood accident or disease in 2,000 years to wipe out the bloodline keep the children of Christ marrying each other, on the other hand, and eventually they'd be so inbred that the sons of God would have flippers for feet.[78]. Their names were Abraham and Jacob and they were said to have been second-century church leaders in the Babylonian city of Ctesiphon-Seleucia. Walk with Jesus Facebook. At the time students spoke out after someone defaced a memorial for Breonna Taylor on campus. Isaiah 62: Previous chapter | Next chapter: 1: For Zions sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalems sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the . These records include documentation of marriages, baptisms and deaths, creating a bit of a giant jigsaw puzzle that you have to try to match up Harrison said. People who lived just a few centuries earlier have many millions of descendants. The present Site is meant to be essentially a guide to those who, sincerely motivated, have a desire to know more about the Priory of Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Vritas, in order to know the "how" it is appropriate to approach the relationship with our Venerable Order and understand the motivations of certain past and present choices . It was said to have described the man as married, and that he had a son whose crucifixion the letter's author had witnessed. He is presented in Matthew as King and Messiah foretold by the Old Testament prophets. Christian bishops at Jerusalem, in Antioch, in Ephesus, and in [42], The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail, a 1993 book by Margaret Starbird, built on Cathar beliefs and Provencal traditions of Saint Sarah, the black servant of Mary Magdalene, to develop the hypothesis that Sarah was the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The implications of this work are enormous, as they involve a lineage traced back to Odin, once believed to be a Norse god, whose lineage then merged with the bloodline of Jesus Christ himself. apocryphal Gospel of Philip, their child or children would have been the The theory about Jesus having a family and a bloodline that is still alive today was popularized by Dan Brown in his novel "The Davinci Code", which was adapted into a movie starring Tom Hanks. Historical Accounts The Essene Book Store Press like if Jesus is your Savior!! There is no evidence that these beliefs derived from the much earlier Gnostic traditions of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but the Cathar traditions did find their way into many of the 20th-century popular writings claiming the existence of a Jesus bloodline. This alludes to the creation of the world; the coming of Jesus was supposed to mark a new creationa new beginning. [54] After Jesus' death, Swanson portrays his widow as taking her children by Jesus, whom he refers to as the 'Shiloh Dynasty', to England, and that one of these became a direct male-line ancestor of Joseph Smith, to whom the author also attributes a matrilineal derivation from the same Shiloh Dynasty. uniquely for Jesus' blood relatives. [61], In South Asia, the founder of the reformist Ahmaddiyya religious movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), likewise claimed that Jesus survived the crucifixion and escaped the Levant, but instead placed his subsequent activities in Afghanistan and India. So all of it was connecting dots and it was really inspiring.. They must hope for help from other Christian organizations in their fight, and expect that now that they are warned of the danger, the descendants of the Christ will take measures to protect themselves.. Among these are those already mentioned, Working from home has not worked', Wall Street boss tell Davos summit and British chief of Citigroup says Pictured: Framed portraits of serial killers Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer that 'giggling killer' kept on wall of Stepmother of notorious cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer dead at 81: Shari Dahmer dies in Ohio nursing home after Two killed by 'armed' chickens: Men bleed to death after being sliced by knives fixed to roosters at cockfights MailOnline readers back Jeremy Clarkson to keep his job on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? These records helped break through the 1870 brick wall, which refers to the difficulty that comes with tracing the lineage of African American families preceding the abolition of slavery; the 1870 census is the first census to list the names of African Americans alongside the rest of the population, and is for many it is the first official notation of surnames for formerly enslaved people. Alexandria, and to name desposynos bishops to take their place. the east led by the disciples who were descended from blood relatives of This document, known as "The Lost Gospel", was translated by Professor Barrie Wilson and writer Simcha Jacobovic from Aramaic to English. Aaron, all male desposyni could have laid claim to both the throne and the Specifically, he identified Jesus as the holy man, Yuzasaf, buried at the Roza Bal shrine in the Kashmir Valley of Srinagar. The Priory definitely seems so be struggling at the moment, said Professor Gunthermnn, so thiskindof desperate gesture is really plausible. Though absent from the Gospels or historical records, the concept of Jesus having blood descendants has gained a presence in the public imagination, as seen with Dan Brown's best-selling novel and movie The Da Vinci Code that used the premise for its plot, it is generally dismissed by the scholarly community. [44] Her view of Mary Magdalene/Mary of Bethany as wife of Jesus is also linked with the concept of the sacred feminine in feminist theology. If I had known anyones name that survived the middle passage and lived through those tumultuous times for generations, Im going to say their name, she said. [12], In the television documentary, The Lost Tomb of Jesus, and book The Jesus Family Tomb,[14] both from 2007, fringe investigative journalist Simcha Jacobovici and Charles R. Pellegrino proposed that ossuaries in the Talpiot Tomb, discovered in Jerusalem in 1980, belonged to Jesus and his family. They both replied that they had only 9000 He is known as the traitor because he betrayed Jesus with a kiss to the hands of the enemy for thirty pieces of silver and hanged himself afterward. Retrieved on 2008-04-23. Matthew presents the list in three partsfrom Abraham to David, from David to the captivity in Babylon, and from the captivity to Christeach with fourteen generations. But Harrison said the quest to uncover ones history is not just happening in St. Louis, it is an experience shared by descendants across the country. Its important to say their names, its important to tell the students stories, to let the students know the complexity of this state that they live in and that St. Louis University, the school theyve chosen, the school that we say men and women for others, has a complicated history, she said. But lets assume that he did, and that he also had a lower than average number of descendants -- say 500 in the year AD 250. [54] Formatted as a footnoted scholarly study and claiming to be the culmination of almost three decades of research, the work was framed in part as a response to "a fuzzy gnostic, leftwing, liberal, and adamantly feminist bias" regainding the divine feminine and sacred marriage that pervaded the recent literature on the subject, and that the author viewed as "idiologically corrosive to faith in Jesus Christ. After flying thousands of miles to trace the mythical travels of Mary Magdalene after Jesus's crucifixion, and. To move the mission forward, Proudie said she and other St. Louis descendants meet regularly in what they call the Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved. [52], A presentation of analogous concepts within a Mormon context was published in 2006: Dynasty of the Holy Grail: Mormonism's Sacred Bloodline by art historian Vern Grosvenor Swanson. Judas Iscariot was the son of Simon who lived in Kerioth of Judah. The word used in Matthew (translated in the NIV as: "genealogy") is the Greek word (" genesis"). The French socialist politician, Louis Martin (pseudonym of Lon Aubry, died 1900), in his 1886 book Les Evangiles sans Dieu (The Gospels without God), republished the next year in his Essai sur la vie de Jsus (Essay on the life of Jesus), described the historical Jesus as a socialist and atheist. Explanation: Thank you so much! The Genealogies of Jesus. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/at-least-200-people-were-enslaved-by-the-jesuits-in-st-louis-descendants-are-now-telling-their-stories. Mention of Jesus of miles to trace the mythical travels of Mary Magdalene after Jesus & x27... 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9,000 descendants of jesus list